Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Whats The Key For Altitude Chem Questions?

Chem Questions? - whats the key for altitude

1) a) Determine the number of gallons in general show of each of these calculations, busy, if possible.
6.20 mol H_2
6.8 g N 2

b) A balloon is filled with a volume of 66L pressure to 1.0 bar and 27 degrees Celsius. If the ball is released, it rises to a height where the pressure is 0,48 bar and Temperature -23 degrees Celsius. What is the volume of the balloon at this altitude (All calculations, if you want).

2) a) What are the 5 most important steps for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the red blood cells and the transport of CO_2 into the lungs. This can be described by chemical reactions in the form, but not mandatory.

b) Write the chemical reaction to give the exchange of oxygen with hemoglobin and expression, the equilibrium constant.

c) What is the main reason why carbon dioxide affects the oxygen-carrying red blood cells. (Again, the chemical reactions can be used, but not necessary).

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.


skipper said...

1a --
6.2 l mol N2 x 22.4 / mol at STP = 138.9 L (139 L)
(6.8 g N 2 / 28 g / mol) x 22.4 L / mol at STP = 5.44 L (5.4 L)

1b --
PV / T = P'V '/ T'
1.0 atm x 66 L / 300 = 0.48 atm x V '/ 250
v '= 114.6 L (115 L)

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